Law Enforcement Disclosure Request In accordance with Section 28(2)(g) of The Local Authority Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, a Local Authority may disclose personal information to a prescribed law enforcement agency or a prescribed investigative body: (i) on the request of the law enforcement agency or investigative body; (ii) for the purpose of enforcing a law of Canada or a province or territory or carrying out a lawful investigation; and (iii) if any prescribed requirements are met.Request DetailsFile or Occurrence Number(Required) Urgent Request Urgent Request Law enforcement requests disclosure of personal information pertaining to:(Required) First Last which may be generally described as: (general description of information requested)(Required)This information is required by law enforcement as part of a: (description of particular investigative or enforcement activity)(Required)Pursuant to Section 36 of The Police Act, 1990 and:(Required)(Refer to a federal or provincial statute, or municipal bylaw)Requesting Officer InformationName(Required) First Last Badge Number(Required) Phone(Required)Email(Required) Date(Required) DD slash MM slash YYYY Signature(Required) Please enter your full nameCommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. You must have Javascript enabled to use this form. Please enable it or upgrade your browser to a more current version.